How to code to build specific routines

ChatGPT answered with a surge of text and code. Then, it halted mid-code. At the point when I requested that it proceed, it heaved out considerably more code and text. It outputted more and more code as I requested continue after continue. However… none of it was usable.

It didn’t tell me where the code should go or how to build the project. When I looked at the code it produced, I saw that it didn’t do any of the major operations I asked for and just wrote “program logic goes here” in plain text.

After a lot of rehashed tests, it turned out to be obvious to me that assuming you request that ChatGPT convey a total application, it will fall flat. An end product of this perception is that in the event that you don’t know anything about coding and believe ChatGPT should fabricate you something, it will fizzle.

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