Calling prior to expressing farewell to CPS Energy

Ortiz recounts a comparable story. An Edison Secondary School graduate, she emulated her dad’s example by turning into a utility specialist. Her father worked in development “for his entire life,” she said, and was pleased to see his girl do likewise.

He even followed her to a task in Post Worth. They worked there together for over 10 years before Ortiz chose to get back to San Antonio. She started working for CPS Energy in 1992, and she’s been there from that point onward.

In those early years, Ortiz recalls dealing with men who made it abundantly clear that they did not want her there. These “machistas” attempted to menace her and make her work harder, she said, yet she found that by going about her business competently she had the option to defeat their estranging.

Both Garcia and Ortiz are resigning in the following couple of years and said they’d very much want to prepare more ladies into this common calling prior to expressing farewell to CPS Energy. ” I trust and predict that there’ll be more ladies here,” Garcia said. ” We’d love to see more women working in the industry.”

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